
After much consideration,my group and I decided to pick Autism. Through the research done on autism, I have learnt of several characteristics of the disability. Firstly,  the child will undergo difficulty in social interactions and relationships because the child with autism is unable to show nonverbal cues such as facial expression, body postures and gestures in which is imperative in building up social interaction. In which will cause failure in developing any relationship and social enjoyment. Secondly, the child might suffer in his/her social communication where the child has a delay or even a lack of speaking. Even if the child is able to speak, the child might experience difficulty initiating and continuing conversations. In consequence, the child might have a lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play which is vital in developing children’s language, motor skills and fine motor skills. In an inclusive classroom, there are pros and cons of having an autism child. To start, the teacher can teach empathy to the children that have not come into contact with the less impaired children. Secondly, an inclusive classroom ensures that all the children in the class benefits from what the teacher teaches.  However there are some cons to having an inclusive classroom, the teacher may not be able to meet the children’s needs for individualized attention. In my own opinion, I would definitely have a inclusion setting as this gives all the children a chance to learn empathy  something that cannot be learnt from books or teaching.

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